Knowledge space
We have gathered informative articles covering topics such as IoT and digitalization. These articles address subjects frequently requested in relation to our projects. Should you have any questions or a specific topic you would like us to write about, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Blog posts
Når uoverskuelige mængder af data spænder ben for en god forretning
I denne klumme i IT Watch skriver Christian Beer og Frederik Ackermann om noget, der længe har ligget os på sinde her i Iterator IT…
Bedre serviceforretning med IoT: Sådan kommer I nemt i gang
I vores seneste blogpost skrev vi om de mange fordele, der er ved at gå fra en servicemodel, der er dikteret af en kalender, til en servicemodel, der er dikteret af behov.
Supercharging af jeres servicetilbud – sådan
Der er penge i at have en solid serviceplatform. Det kræver bare to ting: Den rigtige teknologi og den rigtige partner.
"Vi er eksperterne i IoT"
Phillip Müggler er vores project sales executive med ansvar for at drive vores kunders forretningsudvikling med IoT. Mød ham her.
De fire udviklingstrin i IoT
IoT er meget andet end teknologi – det er også en forretningsstrategisk udvikling, som følger en række faste trin.
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Gør de gode ideer til virkelighed: Sådan sikrer du internt buy-in til dit IoT-projekt
Det kan være svært at implementere IoT-projekter på arbejdet. Læs med, hvis du vil være den, der sender din arbejdsplads i en ny, optimeret retning.
What is IoT?
What is IoT actually? Is it something for everyone or just a few? And how do you get started with IoT in your own business? You can find the answers to these questions in this post.
How to collaborate with an IoT development house
How to collaborate with a development house? Learn the difference between agile and waterfall approaches, and what we recommend in an IoT project.
The Quick Guide: How to Get Started with Your IoT Project
Getting started with your first IoT project? We've compiled eight steps to get off to a great start with your IoT project.
UI/UX Design
Customer experience is critical in differentiating. Our UI/UX designer can assist you in achieving a standout experience for your customers.
Web application
At Iterator IT, we develop web applications that provide users with an efficient and comprehensive overview of their data.
Mobile application
We develop smartphone applications that provide a seamless and intuitive experience for end-users in managing the presented data, while allowing for the flexible accessibility of information.
Machine Learning
With the use of an intelligent computer, we are capable of making predictions from data, such as avoiding downtime in a machine or predicting illnesses in a herd of animals.
Onsite consultants
Get production closer to development with a digital specialist who understands your business model, or add an extra member to your IT team.
End-to-end IoT solutions
It is not always a given that the development house you work with both creates hardware and software. It is also not a given that one development house has a good collaboration with the other. What happens then?
What is predictive maintenance?
It can be difficult to fully comprehend the concept of predictive maintenance. This blog post provides insight into what it is and how it can be implemented.
Eight Benefits of IoT that Create Value and Strengthen Your Business
Why has IoT become so widespread, and what benefits can an organization gain from implementing IoT in their business? This article provides the answer.
IoT platform increases Bramidan's global competitive advantage
The innovative IoT system BRA-IN helps Bramidan's customers make better and more environmentally friendly decisions, while saving both Bramidan and their customers time, money and resources.
Future of IoT: Trends and predictions
Explore the latest IoT trends, including edge computing, 5G, AI, blockchain, and sustainability. Learn how they will shape the future of technology!
Avoid paying too much
When starting an Industry 4.0 project, it doesn't have to cost millions. There are some considerations that are good to make before getting started.
Green transition with IoT
Predictive maintenance allows you to conserve resources and minimize loss in critical areas, while simultaneously fostering a more sustainable and environmentally responsible business operation.
5G and IoT
Regardless of whether you are an advocate, opponent, or have yet to fully grasp the concept, it cannot be ignored - 5G has arrived and is here to stay.
But what is 5G really?
Why UI/UX are important in IoT projects
The success of an IoT project often depends on how user-friendly and operationally efficient the system is to interact with. As such, it is crucial to focus on UI/UX.
4 tips for digitalization in the industry
We provide 4 tips on what is important when an industrial company starts the digitalization process.
Native or cross-platform app
There are many different opinions on whether to create apps as native or cross-platform. At the same time, there are many stories and misunderstandings about what is and is not possible.
Custom vs SaaS IoT platform
What is the difference between custom and SaaS IoT platforms? Read on and discover what characterizes each type of platform, and which type is suitable for your business.
What is Industry 4.0?
And how does it create value for industrial companies? That is what we focus on in this article. Industry 4.0 is rapidly evolving and we are seeing today how it creates future opportunities for more and more companies.
IoT Go To Market Strategy
Realizing the full potential of IoT technology requires a well-designed and well-thought-out Go-To-Market strategy. En IoT Go-To-Market strategi handler om at finde den mest effektive måde at bringe din IoT-løsning…
White papers / E-books
Introduction to IoT
Download our white paper and learn about:
- What is IoT and where does it come from?
- How does IoT work?
- The process of IoT
- Business benefits of IoT
- IoT and security
IoT: How to get started
Download our white paper and learn about:
- What is IoT
- The typical challenges when starting an IoT project
- The five steps for a great start to your IoT project
- How IoT strengthens Bramidan's business
- How IoT made the municipality of Horsens greener and smarter
The IoT business model
Download our white paper and learn about:
- Why a business model is important for your IoT project
- What the great business model contains
- Business Model Canvas
- MoSCoW-modellen