Alfa Laval
An Industry 4.0 project based on machine monitoring and predictive maintenance
Imagine a critical point in your production line where a malfunction could cost hundreds of thousands of crowns in production losses per hour. This is typically the kind of critical infrastructure that Alfa Laval provides to its customers.
With Alfa Laval's IoT implementation, they are now able to offer intelligent predictive maintenance systems that reduce the risk of breakdowns and increase the operating time and productivity for their customers.
- The case description
Alfa Laval, the Swedish company, is a worldwide producer of pumps, valves, heat exchangers, and separators. Since 1888, Alfa Laval has been manufacturing and selling pumps and is now a market leader globally.
As many companies in the industry, Alfa Laval had a desire to monitor the performance and condition of their machinery, so they could always estimate when it was time for maintenance. This was aimed at avoiding machine downtime and thus delays in production.
Hours spent in total
Alfa Laval
World leading manufacturer of pumps, valves, heat exchangers and separators.
Founded in Sweden.

How we solved it
For at imødekomme Alfa Lavals ønsker, har vi bygget en cross-platform applikation. Denne applikation er i stand til at kommunikere med Alfa Laval’s IoT-enhed; Condition Monitor:

Condition Monitor’en kan monteres på alle Alfa Lavals pumpesystemer, og er i stand til at monitorere pumpernes tilstande via frekvensmålinger. Det betyder at applikationen kan vise driftpersonalet hvornår pumperne skal vedligeholdes. Det er det vi kalder predictive maintenance, eller på dansk forudsigende vedligeholdelse. Applikationen er den eneste interface til enheden, og brugeren kan se data, avancerede grafer og enhedens historik.
Our responsibilites
UI/UX design
Development of application
Data visualization
Software development (App, Backend)
Cross-platformen applikationen er udviklet i ReactNative. Applikationen kommunikerer med Alfa Lavals Condition Monitor gennem Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). BLE muliggør transporten af data fra enhederne til applikationen med et lavt strømforbrug. Gennem samarbejdet med Alfa Laval og hardwareleverandøren har vi lavet diverse udviklingsrul gennem en iterativ proces. I samspil med at de har forbedret firmwaren, har vi optimeret brugervenligheden og udviklet nye features i applikationen.
The results
Following Alfa Laval's IoT implementation, they are now able to maximize their plant uptime and thereby lower their costs. Alfa Laval can monitor the operating condition of its equipment via a cross-platform application, which is advantageous for maintenance purposes. The application provides a quick overview of the data, which is presented among others through graphs. This way, employees can quickly see the status of the specific machines and can act based on that knowledge.
The project is considered successful in that it has created a good and stable low-power solution, while providing a good user experience for end users.
Do you also need to be able to monitor your machines?
Iterate IT provides consultation to numerous businesses regarding the implementation of new technical tools within various industries. If your company has a similar requirement, or if you would like to explore the potential opportunities that IoT can offer for your business, please click the button on the right and send us an email.