Green transition in the industry
There is a growing trend in industrial companies to focus on the environment. We believe this is positive, as minimizing one's carbon footprint is important and digitalization can play a major role in achieving this.

Time to read: 4 minutes
Author: Iterator IT
Green transition in the industry
Denmark has been one of the frontrunners in green transition for several years. This is also true in the industry. Many industrial companies focus their new digitalization efforts on achieving greener and more sustainable products and production.
If you are an industrial company that has started to think more about the environment and how you can make a difference for the climate, then you have undoubtedly heard of the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs help ensure that our world has a sustainable focus. Many large Danish companies such as Grundfos have embraced the SDGs and practice them extensively in their business today.
The SDGs also have significant importance for small and medium-sized companies in Denmark, and to help them, the SDG Accelerator has developed a program that aims to accelerate business solutions within sustainable development goals. Our partner Bramidan was a part of this program in 2019.
Green transition case
The company Bramidan, located in Esbjerg, has used the SDGs as a cornerstone for the innovative initiatives the company wants and already takes to support the SDGs they are working towards.
"When a customer buys a Bramidan baler, they not only help the environment by recycling the compressed waste materials but also by saving on transportation, estimated at up to 80%. This supports the UN's SDGs 12-13-14." - Bramidan's website.
While Bramidan has been involved in recycling waste material for some time, one of their newest initiatives is to save on transportation. Previously, drivers had fixed routes and went out to customers to collect their waste material, even if the balers were not completely full. This has now been changed. Today, Bramidan's customers can communicate with their balers and compactors via the BRA-In system, an intelligent system that collects data from the machines about their position, weight, and operational data. In this way, customers can now order pickup of the bales when they need it. This means less unnecessary driving from service vehicles, and thus less CO2 emissions.
Bramidan has looked at areas of their business and optimized their processes to align with the SDGs. It is an Industry 4.0 project that shows the way for the future. You can read more about Bramidan and their Industry 4.0 project in our case description..

Iterator IT
Iterator IT is one of Denmark's leading IoT development companies, specializing in Industry 4.0. We are well-versed in the complex business models that exist in the industry. Over the years, we have assisted industrial companies in developing their Industry 4.0 projects, not just in terms of software development, but also by examining the various elements of the company from the ground up until we find a concrete use case that can create value for the company. In some cases, we have also been the primary driving force that has brought the project to fruition in collaboration with a project manager within the company.
We build the software for the project, including the cloud solution and visual elements for platforms or applications. With our skilled and experienced collaborators who have developed hardware over the years, we are capable of offering end-to-end IoT solutions.
If you have any doubts about what Industry 4.0 can do for you, please feel free to contact us either via our contact form here or call our CEO Casper at +45 31 39 05 69