
FarmLog Svin

An intelligent digital platform that helps pig producers manage their sow's health and record work tasks, as well as monitor their herd.

The aim of FarmLog is to simplify the daily operations of pig producers. We have developed a platform that allows the user to manage their pig herd through a mobile app and web portal, thereby enabling them to perform their tasks faster and more efficiently.

- The case description

As a pig producer, there are numerous tasks that must be manually managed on a daily basis, which can vary from farm to farm.

Another issue faced by pig producers is the registration of dead animals. In order to reduce mortality rates among the livestock, it is crucial to track factors such as animal groups and pathways in order to determine the cause. 


Hours spent in total

FarmLog Svin

Developed together with Skiold

Tool for registration in the barn

Focus on animal welfare

Danish product

Two iPhone 10's showing an overview of the FarmLog application

How we solved it

The purpose of FarmLog is to simplify the daily operations of pig farmers. We have placed a strong emphasis on maintaining close collaboration with the farms throughout the development of the platform to achieve this goal. With FarmLog, pig producers can monitor various aspects of medication consumption, enabling them to identify the precise intervention and reduce expenses.

Moreover, the data produced by the platform can assist in planning, for example, the sale of animals. In addition, upon registering deceased animals, statistics are automatically generated, allowing one to see if there are specific animal groups, paths or other factors that may be contributing to these challenges. These statistics can contribute to optimizing production, thereby reducing mortality among the animals. Pig producers will also be able to monitor feed consumption as daily automatic statistics are generated showing the consumption, which can optimize and adjust feed mixtures.

FarmLog also has an integrated management system "sow management" which makes it easier to plan work as tasks and time consumption can be tracked. This provides a better overview for pig producers in their daily work. The platform allows pig producers to always keep a close eye on deviations and improvement opportunities with ease. The integrated management system enables the keeping of records for each sow, such as health records, etc. All these features allow for the optimization and improvement of production, leading to an improved overall outcome.

Our responsibilites


Project management


UI/UX design


System architecture


Software development (Web, App & Backend)


Hosting, operation and support


The platform consists of both a web and smartphone application hosted on Microsoft Azure, providing valuable insight into the customer segment and their wants and usage patterns. FarmLog consists of a smartphone application written in Xamarin. Forms used for data recording in the barns, as well as a single-page web application for farm administration and overview of statistics.

Working in a pig farm presents numerous challenges, such as poor or no internet connectivity. The FarmLog Svin app has been developed to operate offline and automatically synchronize with the rest of the system once it regains a connection, without affecting the user.

FarmLog Svin has changed ownership during its journey, but Iterator IT remains the provider for the entire technical aspect of the solution.

Angulars logo
Microsoft Azures logo
TypeScripts logo
Xamarins logo
mongoDBs logo
ASP.NETs logo

The results

Pig producers are now able to easily record and monitor, for example, medication usage, slaughterings, health status, and feed consumption for the herd through both a smartphone app and a single-page web app. To make FarmLog the farmer's main tool, FarmLog integrates with the largest slaughterhouses in Denmark, allowing the user to automatically integrate data from these sources into their statistics. Furthermore, the tool can help farmers achieve better animal welfare on their farms and improve their bottom line. 

Do you also need a development house that can develop end-to-end solutions? 

Some companies prefer to have the development house handle the entire IoT project, from sensors to cloud infrastructure and application development. This saves them the hassle of hiring developers and those responsible, and they always have a consultant and sparring partner readily available throughout the development process.