Skadevolder Registrering
Skadevolder smartphone application is a tool for the horticultural industry to register pests in plants, fruits, and vegetables.
HortiAdvice has received an application that reduces pest damage for gardeners and fruit and vegetable growers while also minimizing the amount of pesticides in the environment. Users can submit their data and receive alerts through the app.
- The case description
HortiAdvice is committed to continuously improving tools that can assist gardeners in the Nordic region to prevent damage to their plants, fruits, and vegetables, including pests such as the field voles and carrot flies that pose a challenge to many vegetable farmers. To address this issue, HortiAdvice, in partnership with SEGES, developed a system 20 years ago whereby farmers catch insects on a sticky plate, count the insects, and send the plate to HortiAdvice.
På baggrund af de informationer og en model baseret på flere års statistikker, laver de forudsigelser om, hvornår det er tid til at vande eller sprøjte. Det er en langtrukken proces, og derfor ønskede HortiAdvice at digitalisere processen – til gavn for avlere og konsulenter.
Hours spent in total so far
Consultation in the horticulture industry
The best consultants in Denmark
Delivers to Nordic gardeners
Danish horticulture company
How we solved it
To address the challenge, Iterator IT has developed a pest monitoring application for HortiAdvice. The application assists HortiAdvice and gardeners in saving time and reducing the use of pesticides. It is designed to enable gardeners to add their data to the system themselves. Furthermore, the app is connected to DMI and, based on the number of insects and a weather calculation for the coming days, the system can calculate when the different stages and generations of pests will develop and thus when it is time to spray or water.
In order to digitalize, HortiAdvice received assistance from Iterator IT's software consultant, Nikolaj. Over an extended period of time, Nikolaj worked on-site at HortiAdvice, which enabled him to get a close understanding of the company, their business model, their mission, and their products. This made it easier for him to guide HortiAdvice in relation to their new technical product. As a result, Nikolaj was involved in both the advisory process and the development process of HortiAdvice's new pest registration. Additionally, Iterator IT's digital designer created the graphical design and user experience for the application.
Our responsibilites
Advice and identification of digital business areas
Scoping and specification of the project
Software development (Web, App & Backend)
The solution is being developed as a smartphone app in React Native, so that growers can take it into the field - and see their previous alerts and records. HortiAdvice consultants will have a web portal to access and analyse the submitted data and send alerts to the grower.
The backend is developed as an ASP.NET REST API and an MSSQL database - all hosted on Microsoft Azure. Because it is all hosted on Azure, HortiAdvice doesn't have to worry about server operations and can scale down in the months when the alert is not relevant.
The system is of course built to be scalable so that other types of pests can be added in the future.
The results
With the skadevolder registrering application, gardeners can reduce the amount of pesticides used and target the exact location where there is an issue. The process of submitting the sticky board has been eliminated and gardeners can now access all the data they need through the app.
The system forms the basis for a larger scaling project. As the first step in a larger project, gardeners can track cutworms and carrot flies. In the future, the app will contain data on many more harmful insects.
Do you need help developing an app?
A smartphone application is suitable for users who may not have access to a computer all the time. It is efficient to be able to share data through an app and it can also be integrated with a larger digital system if necessary. Learn more about our app development and other services.